Bangladesh Welfare Association Croydon (BWAC) has been serving Bangladeshi and other ethnic minority communities for over the last 40 years. It has a sterling record in helping people in the local community, who are not fortunate enough to help themselves.

It has also been working with the wider community organisations in Croydon to improve community relations and to make Croydon a harmonious, peaceful and better place to live or work. That is why the contribution of BWAC is well respected and valued in Croydon and outside.

Bangladesh Welfare Association Croydon (BWAC) has maintained its reputation as a voluntary organization to improve the quality of life of Bangladeshis as well as other ethnic communities living in London Borough of Croydon. It has always been thriving to provide services such as welfare, housing, employment, immigration and benefit’s advice and support.

Over the past years, we have been fortunate to undertake some significant improvements from the formation of our Croydon Asian youth group. At the same time, we are always willing to embrace, change and deal challenges. In the past, we faced many inconsistencies; sometimes the processes in which we had to make decisions were not as smooth as had been expected. Nevertheless, the decisions made, were embedded in the context of time and situation we were placed in. In years ahead, we hope to continue and deliver more thorough services.

We are looking forward to develop a more coherent inclusive strategy to welcome new initiatives, ideas and contributions in order to engage younger people. Without the help of initial founders, past executive committee members and every single individual who helped in their own ways to the development of BWAC, this success would not have been possible.

This celebration owes a lot to their efforts and dedication. We have no doubt BWAC will become one of the leading organizations in voluntary sector in future. BWAC became a well established community organization and an important player in Croydon's civic life. At the beginning it was an uphill struggle (like in any community organizations), to bring people together for a common purpose. Today we have a large number of young ethnic minorities living in Croydon. Most of our off springs are graduating from prestigious universities, entering the world of work, becoming successful in various professions and settling in the wider community. But unfortunately not everyone is that lucky. The less fortunate ones have different needs and priorities. BWAC should now diversify its activities to meet their needs, stop them feeling alienated and getting involved with undesirable extremist views or crime. It is a very difficult and challenging task and it needs everyone's cooperation. I am strongly convinced that if the community members have sincerity and work together, we can tackle these.

We sincerely appreciate the National Lottery Community Fund for their support for our new project: “Tuesday Luncheon Club and Food Bank”. It helps many elderly and vulnerable people suffer from loneliness and cost of living crisis. People from every race and religion enjoy their time in a cosy atmosphere, have their hot food, play indoor games, read newspapers and magazines and make new friends.

We continue to provide:
- Supplementary Schooling: Runs twice a week, from 1100 to 1300 hours, every Saturday and Sunday to provide Arabic and Bengali language classes for the children.
- Advisory Sessions: Runs twice a week, Monday and Thursday from 1100 to 1400 hours.
- Badminton Club: Runs every Monday at the South Croydon Sports Centre from 1200 to 1400 hours - funded by participants.

During past years, we provided:
- Food Bank
- Yoga classes for women
- Women’s Development: English language classes (ESOL) and Computer courses
- Food & Hygiene courses
- Youth vision project- Sports and Youth Activities
- Help flood victims in Bangladesh
- Help Rohingya for rehabilition in Bangladesh
- BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) advice information and advocacy service